7. Junho Kim, Jinhyeon Kang, Ye-Seul Park, Hyungju Ahn, Seung Hun Eom, Sung-Yeon Jang*, In Hwan Jung*, "Akylthiazole-based Semicrystalline Polymer Donors for Fullerene-free Organic Solar Cells", Polymer Chemistry, 2019, 10, 4314-4321. (IF: 4.760)
6. Dasom Park, In Hwan Jung*, Sung‐Yeon Jang*, Sanggyu Yim*, "Vacuum-Deposited Organic Solar Cells Based on a Dicyanovinyl-Terminated Small-Molecule Donor", Macromolecular Research, 2019, 27, 444-447 (IF: 1.758) <Front Cover>
5. Young Hun Kang, Un-Hak Lee, In Hwan Jung, Sung Cheol Yoon, Song Yun Cho*, "Enhanced Thermoelectric Performance of Conjugated Polymer/CNT Nanocomposites by Modulating the Potential Barrier Difference Between Conjugated Polymer and CNT", ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 2019, 1, 1282-1289.
4. Jong Baek Park,Jong-Woon Ha,In Hwan Jung, Do-Hoon Hwang*, "High-Performance Nonfullerene Organic Photovoltaic Cells Using a TPD-Based Wide Bandgap Donor Polymer", ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 2019, 2, 8, 5692-5697.
3. Taeho Lee, Yoonho Eom, Chang Eun Song, In Hwan Jung, Dongwook Kim, Sang Kyu Lee, Won Suk Shin, Eunhee Lim, “Simple Bithiophene–Rhodanine‐Based Small Molecule Acceptor for Use in Additive‐Free Nonfullerene OPVs with Low Energy Loss of 0.51 eV”, Adv. Energy Mater. 2019, 9, 1804021. (IF: 24.884)
2. Wisnu Tantyo Hadmojo, Febrian Tri Adhi Wibowo, Wooseop Lee, Hye-Kyung Jang, Yeongsik Kim, Septy Sinaga, Minsuk Park, Sang-Yong Ju, Du Yeol Ryu*, In Hwan Jung*, Sung-Yeon Jang*, "Performance Optimization of Parallel-Like Ternary Organic Solar Cells Through Simultaneous Improvement in Charge Generation and Transport", Adv. Funct. Mater. 2019, 29, 1808731. (IF: 13.325) <Back Cover>
1. Jinhyeon Kang, Dasom Park, Moon‐Ki Jeong, Junho Kim, Seung Hun Eom, Sung‐Yeon Jang, Sanggyu Yim*, In Hwan Jung*, "Improved Performance of Quantum‐Dot Photodetectors Using Cheap and Environmentally Friendly Polyethylene Glycol", Adv. Mater. Interfaces, 2019, 6, 1801666. (IF: 4.834)